01 May 2014

Little Thumbs Up May: Milk (五月份小拇指 :奶香)

Finally it is May!! I'm so honored to be the host for Little Thumbs Up event for the month of May 2014 which is organized by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY

Milk is the ingredient I've chosen for the theme. 

Why milk? Because Milk is an important part of our diet. Milk is not just for kids but it is important for adult too. It has a great source of vitamins and nutrients, and there are several health benefits link to it, such as: 
1. Glowing skin
2. Healthy bones and teeth
3. Muscles 
4. Weight loss
5. Less stress
6. Healthy body hydrated.


To join the fun, simply bake or cook any recipes using the MILK ingredient (Dairy milk). Recipes that you used can be from cookbooks, magazines or any websites. Submit your "MILK" post as many as you like by linking to the thumbnail linky provided at the bottom of this post. 

五月份小拇指 :奶香

欢迎大家一起来参加和分享您家的 奶香作品和食谱!

  • Your submission must be a current new post, older posts not accepted.
  • Mention Little Thumbs Up in your post, and submit your post to the thumbnail linky and mention This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Bake For Happy Kids, and My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Tze of Awayofmind Bakery House at this post. 
  • Feel free to display Little Thumbs Up badge in your post.
  • Last date of linking will be on 31 May 2014 and feel free to visit the blogs from the links and leave your comment.

Attached some of my posts with milk in the ingredients for your reference, please click on the image to see the recipe:

This InLinkz widget is not allowed in this website. You can still view the linkup here


  1. I love milk and whole milk at that!! Blessings, Catherine xo

    1. Thank you Catherine for supporting Little Thumbs Up! Looking forward to see your beautiful creations!

  2. Hi, Tze! Good morning, I was just about to post when I see the LTU event up. By the way, I have link my post! Thanks for organising!

  3. Hi Tze! Yes, milk is definitely a great ingredient for cooking & baking! Hope to link up a few posts. Thanks for hosting. :)

  4. Hi Tze,
    My kids love milk.
    Will link up my milk post late today. Thanks so much for hosting :)

  5. Hi Tze,

    I am pretty new to Little Thumbs Up, this is my 2nd time submitting a recipe to this event. Thanks for organizing it with the milk theme. I have just uploaded one recipe which uses almost half a carton of milk! ;)


  6. Hi Tze, Sorry I'm late. Just shared my post with LTU.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  7. I would like to wish all lovely moms here "Blessed & Happy Mother's Day"! Best regards from Karen.

  8. Dear Tze finally I can added my panacotta to Little Thumbs üp, thanks by invite me.
    I will add to my post the link.
    Finally today was fixed my internet!

  9. Hi Tze,
    I have linked up a savoury muffin!

  10. 嗨 Tze,
    终于有个作品可以参与这活动了,康乃馨彩绘蛋糕。谢谢你的邀请! (^_^)

  11. Hi Tze...I am late..just shared my post..I love milk and drank practically every day...

  12. Tze Tze, milk powder and full cream evaporated milk can?

  13. hi tze, just linked up mine from our bake along bread. Hope u dont mind. Will be doing another milk bake soon.

  14. Hi Tze,
    I've just linked up a soft bread post!

  15. Hi Tze,
    I've just linked up another one, homemade dulce de leche!

  16. Hi Tze,
    I am going to delete my entry #109 (Hokkaido Wholemeal Milk Loaf) bcos I realised that the link was pointing wrongly to my main page, I will re-submit again. Just to let you know.

  17. Hi Tze,
    I have just linked up my final post of milk recipe - Rose cheesecake. Thanks for hosting this event!


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